
This is a demonstration of automated testing for the Stripe Demo Site

Authored by: Nourilee Santos


These tests are developed in Java with:



running the test scenarios

The test scenarios can be run in two ways:

1. Using the IDE

2. Using the command line

test cases

The cucumber feature file will serve as the test case documentation showing scenarios covered by the test. In order to understand how to use test cards, I used this link as a reference.

Feature: Stripe Payment Flow - Card Payment Validations

        Given the user is at the Stripe Demo Site
        And the user auto generates shipping information

    Scenario Outline: Verify process flow for successful payments
        When the user enters the payment information with the following data
            | cardNumber   | cardExpiry   | cvc   |
            | <cardNumber> | <cardExpiry> | <cvc> |
        And the user clicks the Pay button
        Then the payment should be successful

            | cardNumber          | cardExpiry | cvc |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4242 | 12 / 26    | 123 |
            | 5555 5555 5555 4444 | 12 / 26    | 123 |
            | 3782 822463 10005   | 12 / 26    | 123 |

    Scenario Outline: Verify process flow for invalid card information
        When the user enters the payment information with the following data
            | cardNumber   | cardExpiry   | cvc   |
            | <cardNumber> | <cardExpiry> | <cvc> |
        And the user clicks the Pay button
        Then form error should show containing the following message "<errorMessage>"

            | cardNumber          | cardExpiry | cvc | errorMessage                                |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4242 | 0          | 123 | Your card's expiration date is incomplete.  |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4242 | 12 / 99    | 123 | Your card's expiration year is invalid.     |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4242 | 12 / 20    | 123 | Your card's expiration year is in the past. |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4242 | 12 / 26    | 99  | Your card's security code is incomplete.    |
            | 4242 4242 4242 4241 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card number is invalid.                |
    Scenario Outline: Verify process flow for declined payments
        When the user enters the payment information with the following data
            | cardNumber   | cardExpiry   | cvc   |
            | <cardNumber> | <cardExpiry> | <cvc> |
        And the user clicks the Pay button
        Then the payment should be declined
        And checkout error should show containing the following message "<errorMessage>"

            | cardNumber       | cardExpiry | cvc | errorMessage                                    |
            | 4000000000000002 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has been declined.                    |
            | 4000000000009995 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has insufficient funds.               |
            | 4000000000009987 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has been declined.                    |
            | 4000000000009979 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has been declined.                    |
            | 4100000000000019 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has been declined.                    |
            | 4000000000000127 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card's security code is incorrect.         | 
            | 4000000000000069 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has expired.                          |
            | 4000000000000119 | 12 / 26    | 123 | An error occurred while processing your card.   |
            | 4000000000000101 | 12 / 26    | 123 | Your card has been declined.                    |